If you’re referencing RhinoCommon/Grasshopper v5 in the Rhino 6 version of your plug-in then you’ll get a package with rh5_* in the file name. It should just work if you’re referencing v6 and v7 RhinoCommon/Grasshopper respectively in the Rhino 6 and Rhino 7 versions of your plug-in. To build a platform-specfic package, run the build command again with the -platform argument, where can be either win or mac. The second part, any, refers to the platform that the plug-in is intended for. The first part, rh6_18, is inferred from the version of Grasshopper.dll or Rhinocommon.dll that is referenced in the plug-in project. The filename includes a “distribution tag” (in this case rh6_18-any ). That’s also the version that has all the new stuff to generate correctly named package files based on the version of RhinoCommon/Grasshopper used in your GHAs. Make sure you’re using the version of the yak CLI tool that’s included with Rhino 7.
Yep, this was more a limitation of the packaging process and has now been removed.